

Inspiration for a mother with chronic illness…

Inspiration comes in many forms. I feel like this specific inspirational quote has become my daily mantra…often people say to me, “I just don’t know how you’re doing this, you look great.” and “You’re so incredibly strong.”

But I can’t help but think — “what’s the alternative?”

As a mother, you really have no choice to persevere. As a mother, you never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice that you have.

By mommyisntfeelingwell

Mommy has been battling chronic illness for most of her life and has always struggled to live life actively. Though she was not diagnosed with debilitating conditions until adulthood; it was not until after diagnoses, and even after having children, that she realized her lifelong fatigue, and lacking ability to perform motherhood duties, were validated. Mommy Isn’t Feeling Well is a real-life and cathartic blog focused on navigating the struggles of motherhood and chronic illness.

3 replies on “Inspiration”

When I see an athlete accept an award . . . I feel anger . . . I wish a sick mother’s endurance could measured and rewarded.

Society does not seem to reward those who need rewarding and measuring the most….police, fire, teachers, doctors, etc…and I do not understand why. Since mothers do not have a choice other than to persevere, we must give off the impression that our job is not that difficult. And being a sick mother is compounded so much more! Therefore, I nominate you, Sarah, to be rewarded with the highest honor for motherhood, while struggling with the compounding effects of a chronic illness!! {BIG HUGS}

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