Mommy’s Favorite Things

Here are a few of my favorite things…mommy books, children’s books, cookbooks, other blogs, and other websites…

I’d love to share with you some items that are truly worth passing along! Think of it as Oprah’s top ten list, but different… Haha. But no, seriously!

Since I became a mother struggling with a chronic illness, I have spent countless hours, and tons of time researching many things to help better the quality of my life! Whether it has been the chance to laugh my way through an uplifting book written by a women diagnosed with MS in her twenties (who by the way shares comparable stories of “running to the bathroom” with massive digestive issues) – or getting the chance to play with fresh ideas for new anti-inflammatory recipes – I couldn’t pass the opportunity not to share some of my favorite things! Just an FYI, these items are not sponsored. Nor have I been compensated to advertise these items on my site. Here is to hoping you enjoy some of these as much as I do!

motherhood and chronic illness




“Mommy” Books





“Children’s Books”






Other Websites/Blogs

motherhood and chronic illness  motherhood and chronic illness


    motherhood and chronic illness

Note: In order to continue to support and sustain this website, and social media support groups; I have these items linked through an Amazon affiliate program, where I may receive an affiliate compensation, and/or affiliate credit, per the sales of these items.