
Bring Change 2 Mind

Bring Change 2 Mind

A mental health expert, and dear friend of mine, recently reminded me that there are so many women, and in particular mothers, who are struggling with MORE than just the compounding physical effects of chronic illness and parenting. These women, she reminded me, are struggling with very difficult emotional and social issues that also come with navigating their illnesses. She recommended that I bring to light, and perhaps start a conversation, about mental illness in connection with chronic illness.

She offered Bring Change 2 Mind as a good starting point.

What I like about Bring Change 2 Mind, is that they are very successfully using social media to engage in the conversation about mental illness. They are a trusted organization, with a growing audience, and they are giving people a voice to ensure those suffering with mental illness are not alone.

Bring Change 2 Mind is a nonprofit organization built to start the conversation about mental health, and to raise awareness, understanding, and empathy. BC2M develops influential public service announcements (PSAs), including its most recent campaign, #MindOurFuture, has piloted evidence-based programs at the university (UBC2M) and high school (LETS BC2M) levels engaging students to reduce stigma and discrimination, and has created a social movement around change by providing people with platforms to share, connect, and learn.

So, let’s start the conversation about mental illness, in connection with chronic illness, and let’s end the stigma. #mindourfuture

If you or someone you know needs immediate help, please call the Crisis Hotline: 800.273.TALK (8255).